Spring/Autumn New Releases 2020

Spring (or Autumn) is my favourite season for new releases. September and October are usually the prime months for exciting fantasy and sci-fi releases, including some of my most anticipated releases. And there are so many new releases coming out that my bank account will probably be screaming at me by the end. Most of the books on this list are fantasy, sci-fi or contain speculative elements which are all aspects I love in fiction. This list is not extensive and only contains titles that I'm either excited about or they have perked my interest one way or another, particularly because most of them have such beautiful covers that I just want them in my collection. Hopefully you're also excited for these titles, or you'll be interested in checking out one or two (or more) of these books. September 2020 Releases Blood & Honey by Shelby Mahurin Published on September 1, 2020 “ The hotly anticipated sequel to the New York Times and Ind...